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How D​oes Iridology Work?

The eyes are an extension of the brain via the optic nerves. The nerve fibers that end in the iris connect to the entire body. Different parts of the iris correspond to different parts of the body. The presence or absence of certain markings in the iris reflects the condition (or health level) of the associated body part. There is almost 130 years of scientific data showing the accuracy of iris analysis. There are no two irises alike; they are as different and unique as fingerprints.

Important Things Iridology Will Tell You Are:

1) Inherent strengths and weaknesses of organs and tissues of the body.

2) Overall constitution (health level & ability of fend off disease) of the body.

3) Reversal of symptoms. When you address the cause of the problem you get rid of the symptom.

4) You will be able to tell if an inflammation is present and what stage it is in.

5) You can see drug accumulation. An organ is weak were there is a spot, therefore the organ isn't strong enough to flush the drug out when the drug circulates through it.

6) Acid levels. The body and every organ has an optimum pH. Too acid and the body will produce mucus. Mucus helps to protect organs and tissues, and it will reduce the irritation from the acid.

7) Chemical and nutrition needs; such as vitamin C and iron deficiencies.

8) You will be able to determine the response of the patient to the treatment you have chosen. The right treatment will make someone feel better and you should see a prominent change in the eyes of the person within three months. You will see small changes throughout this time. The darker areas get lighter and the fibers may reappear.

9) Unity of symptoms of whole body healing. There will be an improvement in all other parts of the body with a change in any area because the body is a holistic system.

10) Since the iris changes with fluctuations in body health, it provides an ongoing picture of internal conditions and is an effective way to monitor healing and see if the treatment provided is helping. Iridology cannot determine such things as blood pressure, medication being used, pregnancy, tumors, hemorrhage, gallstones, kidney stones, blocked arteries or surgery someone has had. Overall, iridology doesn't show a correlation between tissue inflammation levels and specific diseases or symptoms of disease because iridology cannot diagnose disease.

Cost is $80 plus hst

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